Sunday, 13 February 2011

We are in it together. Are you?

In a week when local authorities are warning exactly what the cuts to public services are going to mean, let us reminisce how David Cameron assured us that 'we're all in this together'. He was right. We are, or at least most of us are.

Those who face losing their jobs in the public sector are definitely in it - up to their necks in it in fact. So are those in the private sector who will lose their jobs when their bosses decide to make cutbacks because of reduced trade that follows mass unemployment.

So are those concerned parents who want to send their children to a good quality state school, still uncertain of whether or not the eroding architectures will ever be refurbished.

So are those who are concerned about the latest round of NHS tinkering and the effect it will have on their own personal health.

So are those wishing to stay healthy by using swimming pools, tennis courts and other affordable local authority leisure facilities, but face losing them as a result of cuts to the public sector.

So are those young ambitious people who wish to professionalise themselves by going on to further education, but face their ambitions jeopardised by cuts to grants and the hyperinflation of university fees.

So are those who would like the security of their own property - particularly in light of Tory policy that social housing provided by the local authorities is no longer for life - but their aspirations are curtailed by unfeasibly high house prices.

When I declare we are all in this together, I know who I mean. I mean those who are tangibly affected by the cuts. I mean those who will lose housing benefit, often following their jobs snatched from them by austerity policies. I mean young people, who seem to have been beaten to a pulp by the knowledge-snatchers of the Conservative Party. I am not so sure who the Tories mean. Judging by the programmes affected by budget cuts, the main victims of these cuts appear to be the working classes and middle classes. Therefore, I would suggest although we are in this together, we are not all in this together. A slight modification to the DC soundbite is needed.